Special Week Of Might Legacy Heroes

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    ... wie der Titel bereits sagt :

    Maximus - Might Hero (Haven)


    Maximus is indubitably the most unusual Knight of the Holy Empire. His grandfather, an Orc slavemaster serving the Holy Empire, refused to follow Kunyak during the Orc Crusades. The great liberator respected his choice - sparing his life, but breaking his legs. Due to his family's poor reputation among the Orcs, Maximus knew he could never hope to join his people in the steppes or the islands, so he decided to make himself a place in the Empire instead - first as a servant, then as a squire to an old, wise knight who recognized his talents. The turning point in his life came at the great tournament of Falcon's Reach. The Emperor had promised knighthood and lands to the winner. Maximus defeated all his opponents, his popularity magnified with each successful match. By the contest's end, he was acclaimed as "the greatest", and the Emperor had little recourse but to grant the Orc the promised rewards. Maximus has served the Empire loyally ever since.


    The Orc knight Maximus is part of the Might & Magic series since Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra, where he was a member of the default party of adventurers. He reappeared in Heroes 1 and 2 in the Castle/Knight faction, then as a NPC in Might & Magic VII: For Blood and Honour

    Also, ich kannte den nicht 8)

    Gruß Eicke

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    Might Hero / Inferno


    Foreknowledge of the true name of a Demon is necessary to summon it, and some Demons, weary of being forced to carry out the petty schemes of mediocre sorcerers, have taken up the habit of perpetual use of an alias. Nymus, which means "No Name", is the most widespread of these fake identities. Not very fond of violence herself, this Nymus is best known in Sheogh as a master trainer, having earned the begrudging respect of even the most battle-hardened Pit Lords, who've discovered they can still learn a trick or two from this Succubus. Nymus also possesses a great sense of honour, always repaying her debts, which has given credence to the theory that she may have lived in the Lotus Empire in her former life.


    Nymus was a recruitable Hero in Heroes 3 and had an appearance in the Might & Magic novel "The Sea of Mist", where she trains the hero Praz-El in the art of combat.

    Gruß Eicke

  • Atlas
    Might Hero / Sanctuary

    Atlas was born and raised on the island of Hashima, in one of the many Human villages belonging to the Lotus Empire. His impressive size earned him the nickname of “mountain”. Atlas was prepared to live a peaceful life as the town's carpenter, until one fateful day, when the Daimyo Hitokage stopped in the village. During the festivities held in honour of the Snake-Lord, Atlas defeated the Daimyo's personal champion in a contest of hand-to-hand combat. Hitokage was amused and impressed by the natural talents displayed by Atlas, and offered to take the Human with him to train him in the art of combat. While he has regularly impressed the Nagas with his skills on the battlefield or the wrestler ring, Atlas equally gained their respect for his craftsmanship as a master-builder, sculptor and artisan.
    Atlas first appeared as a NPC in Might & Magic: World of Xeen. He became a recruitable Hero of the Stronghold faction in Heroes 1 and 2.

    Einmal vor Eicke ;)

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    Moin !

    Tazar - Might Hero - Stronghold


    Tazar was only thirty-three days old when his parents, merchants from the Wolf Duchy, took the ship in Nilshaven to Strandholm. A terrible storm fell on the ship, and supernatural titanic waves crashed against the frail skiff, opening its hull as if it were a nutshell. His parents died swallowed by the waves, but Tazar survived. He was found on the beach of one of the Pao Islands by a female sabre-toothed Jaguar. Moved by some mysterious animal instinct, she gently took the baby in her maw and raised him as her own. Tazar's first contact with civilisation eventually occurred ten years onward, when a group of Naga poachers killed his "mother". Discovering her skin hanging in the middle of their hunting camp, the boy went berserk and attacked the three Nagas with hands, teeth and rocks. His screams of fury and despair brought forth the attention of some Orcs who had been surveying the interlopers. Amazed by the murderous rage contained within this small Human child, the Orcs came to his help and killed the Nagas. They knocked the feral boy out cold and brought him back to their village, where they patiently tamed him, teaching him the way of life of the Orcs. As the only Human to be considered a Jaguar Warrior to this day, Tazar wears the pelt of his "mother" as a reminder of his origins and as a warning to his enemies.


    Tazar first appeared in Heroes 3 as a recruitable Hero of the lizard-themed Fortress faction. He joined the ranks of Stronghold in Heroes 4.

  • Um der lieben Vollständigkeit willen auch noch den am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Helden... daß Euch der bislang entgangen ist?!
    Die Biographie ist von der offiziellen deutschen Seite, ich habe aus reiner Faulheit darauf verzichtet, den doch recht schiefen Text zu redigieren...

    Moander -- Might Hero -- Necropolis


    Manche würden sagen Moander ist ein Überlebender - auch wenn er technisch nicht tot war. Er ist ein angesehener und charismatischer General im Bull Herzogtum, der von den unzähligen politischen Intrigen in Friedenszeiten langweilt. Deswegen ließ er einen Konkurrenten ihn mit tödlichen Manticore Gift vergiften, während er seinen Wachen befahl sich zurück zu ziehen. Als er verzweifelt feststellt, dass er in einigen Stunden sterben wird, entwickelt er einen Plan um den Tod doch noch zu überlisten. Er schluckt ein weiteres Gift: Namtaru. Mithilfe dieser Substanz, die von Nekromanten getrunken wurde um zu unsterblichen Vampiren zu werden, konnte er schließlich überleben. Doch die Mischung der beiden Gifte hatte verheerende Auswirkungen auf seinen Körper, ließ seine Haut verbrennen und sein Fleisch absterben. So wurde er in einen Untoten transformiert und sah aus wie eine wandelndes Skelett, aber zumindest war er „lebendig“ und nahm Rache an seinem Mörder. Anschließend floh er ins Reich der Nekromanten, wo seine Fähigkeiten als General ihn so populär machten wie zu Lebzeiten.


    Moander erschien in Heroes 3 und 4 als rekrutierbarer Held.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Dr. Bunsenbrenner ()

  • Zwar Magic und nicht Might, aber nen zweiten Thread aufmachen ist :dao:

    Adelaide - Magic Hero - Haven

    Biography :
    Her lovely face perpetually illuminated by a radiant smile, Adelaide is a benevolent, caring woman who grew up in the mountains west of the Greyhound Duchy. As a child, she enjoyed climbing as high as possible to enjoy the view of the valley. One day, she ventured higher than usual and was caught in a snowstorm. The blizzard raged for three consecutive days, and her parents thought their treasured daughter was lost forever. But on the morning of the fourth day, as the sky was finally clearing, the Angel Eliora appeared, holding the girl in her arms. The Angel revealed that she had followed a beacon of light that seemed to radiate from within the storm, and had found Adelaide. To the celestial being, it was proof that the girl had been chosen by Elrath to become a Priestess of the Light.
    Adelaide appeared in Heroes 3 and 4 as a recruitable Hero.

  • Jeddite -- Magic Hero -- Inferno


    Jeddite was a powerful Wizard with an affinity for Fire Magic. His love for all things burning grew to become an obsession, to the point where the other Wizards began to think of him as dangerous. It wasn't long before Jeddite became a servant of Abaddon, the Demon Prince of Destruction. One day, while staring at the fire consuming his master's tower (with his master still inside it), Jeddite was beset by a vision of a Knight in fiery armour. This man presented himself as Kha-Beleth, the Prince without a throne, and said he had plans for the fallen Wizard. Kha-Beleth removed Jeddite from the path of mindless Destruction, moulding him into a harbinger for greater goals. Some say on this occasion Jeddite saw what was hidden under Kha-Beleth's helmet, but he has always refused to comment on this rumour. He is now building a secret society of Chaos-worshippers within the Seven Cities.


    Jeddite first appeared in Heroes 3 as a recruitable Hero of the Dungeon faction. In Heroes 4, he was a member of the Asylum/Chaos faction. The Ashan version of the character kept this allegiance to the powers of Chaos.

  • Luna - Magic Hero - Necropolis

    Luna was born in the forests of Irollan during a full moon, and it is said that the baby seemed to stare at the great cocoon with her eyes wide open, prompting her parents to name her in honour of the celestial body. Some say her unusual destiny was written that night, as a result of this very act. Naturally attuned to the mystical forces inhabiting the world, Luna was trained to become a Druid. But the young Elf could not find Harmony - to the other Druids, she seemed restless, unpredictable, unreliable. She finally discovered peace in the most unexpected of means - by drinking the venom of the Mother Namtaru and embracing Undeath. Reborn as a Vampire, Luna is definitely to be considered a defender of Harmony, though her understanding of the term is far removed from what she was taught as a Druid. For Luna, Harmony stems from the silence of death.
    Luna was a recruitable Hero in Heroes 1 and 2 (as part of the Sorceress faction), Heroes 3 (as part of the Conflux faction) and eventually joined the ranks of Necropolis in Heroes 4, having been turned into a vampire.

  • Biography:

    Shiva grew up in the Free City of Stormcliff, but soon understood she was not meant for urban life. In the singing of the birds, in the murmur of the wind, in the growl of the thunderstorm, she could hear the call of Ylath. At twelve, she said her goodbyes (or rather left them on a piece of paper), packed her bags, stole into the caravan of a merchant, and started a life of adventure.

  • ja das stimmt.. genauso war sie auch bei HoMM4 Stronghold-Might daher verwirrt mich das jetzt auch, dass sie nun plötzlich Magic sein soll.. irgendwie unpassend.. andererseits sollen es ja Reincarnations sein.. trotzdem ist das seltsam.. sieht aber zumindest der Vorlage aus 3/4 ähnlich.. ob sie sich schon damals die Kidman als Vorlage hergenommen haben? hätten gern auch Crag Hack als Might wieder reinbringen können :(