Aha! Ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels?

  • Ich poste mal die Antwort, welche ich auf den subscribe erhalten habe, falls Jemand Infos, aber sich nicht gleich anmelden will:

    Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter and welcome to the journey. We have a long and tough road ahead of us... but we are determined.

    • Pre-alpha
      (building functionality with proxy assets (we are here))

    • Financing
      (private or crowdfunded)

    • Alpha
      (relatively feature complete, building finalized assets and gameplay)

    • Mid-alpha
      (early access?)

    • Beta
      (polish and bug hunting)

    • Release

    As production progresses, we'll notify you if anything noteworthy occurs.

    Until such a time, take care and stay safe.


    Gregory W. Fulton

    Fanstratics Game Director & Designer

    p.s. Over the coming weeks, past Newsletters will be progressively emailed to you, until you are up to date.

    Ein kleiner gruener Zweig wuchs aus den halb abgestorbenen Zweigen der Hoffnung. (Lest Terry Pratchett......)