Beiträge von angelitoHC

    Kann es sein, dass hier jemand meine ganzen alten Rätsel klaut? 8)

    Ich würde in diesem Spezialfall statt "Ratenzahlung" eher "Rabatt" sagen.
    Der Normalfall ist die Ratenzahlung: wenn ein Seher oder eine Quest Guard mehrere verschiedene Artefakte fordert, können die nach und nach geliefert werden, bis die Forderung erfüllt ist.
    Geht es jedoch um identische Artefakte, gilt die Forderung auch dann als erfüllt, wenn nur eins abgegeben wird.
    Ritter Gustav muss sich nur die unbewachten Cards links holen, dann ist der Deal perfekt.
    Ob das ein Bug oder Feature ist, lasse ich dahingestellt. 8)
    Beste Grüße, DP.

    Ein vom Seher angefordertes Artefakt kommt normalerweise nur ein einziges Mal in der Karte (randoms) vor. Ein mehrfach Vorkommen ist dann ein "Fehler" des Map-Designers.

    Ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern, dass die Queen von England im Zweiten Weltkrieg als Lastwagenfahrerin und Mechanikerin tätig und damit das erste weibliche Mitglied des englischen Königshauses war, das Militärdienst geleistet hat.

    Vielleicht nochmal das original Zitat lesen?

    Zitat: "Ein guter König kämpft doch auch in der vortersten Front ."

    Im 2. WK war die Queen noch keine Queen, und Lastwagenfahrer und Mechaniker als "Kämpfer der vordersten Front" zu bezeichnen ist zumindest für die meisten Nationen "zweifelhaft"....Zumal sie ausschließlich eine Ausbildung gemacht hat und im Heimathilfsdienst tätig war....

    Xarfax hatte diesen guten beitrag mal auf deutsch in der Library auf der Heroescommunity gepostet, und ich habe diesen nach besten Wissen versucht, auf englisch zu übersetzen:

    Here u are angelito, this is how it works exactly



    Let´s see if i can manage that on my old days. First of all, forget everything in the manual. it goes:

    The basicspeed depends on the battlespeed of the slowest creature on the day before.

    Battlespeed of the slowest creature = basicspeed

    3 Speed = 1500 movement points
    4 Speed = 1560 movement points
    5 Speed = 1630 movement points
    6 Speed = 1700 movement points
    7 Speed = 1760 movement points
    8 Speed = 1830 movement points
    9 Speed = 1900 movement points
    10 Speed = 1960 movement points
    >11 Speed = 2000 movement points

    The basicspeed doesn´t raise anymore, when the battlespeed of the slowest creature is 11 or higher.
    Those movement points will be reduced by every single "field value" depending on the terrain.

    Field values:

    Cobblestone road 50
    Gravelstone road 65
    Field road 75
    (rivers don´t have any influence)

    Dirt 125
    Desert, Snow 150
    Swamp 175
    (cursed and holy ground don´t have any influence)

    You don´t have to remind anything else. Every other kind of terrain reduces by 100 points.
    For example: With a creature of speed 4, u can travel 15 times on Lava and one step on a cobblestone road (15 *100 + 50= 1550). The remaining 10 points aren´t to be used.

    Additional to the basicspeed is the logistic skill. It is only calculated from the basicspeed.

    If u have an angel with speed 13 for example, which means a basicspeed of 2000, and expert logistics, u have to add 30% of these 2000, which makes 600. U can use 2600 movement points though.

    The raise of the logistic skill affects not before the next day, while raising the pathfinding skill affects immediately.

    All further things which give movement points will be added aswell (stables, gloves, boots, miscellaneous buildings/places etc..)

    Gloves 300
    Boots 600
    Stables 400

    To wear 2 pair of gloves won´t give u more speed. And also artifacts which raise the battlespeed have no influence on the movement points (e.g. cape, ring).

    Creature specialits don´t give a speedbonus on the battlefield for the creatures, but raise the basicspeed of them as well.

    For example Ivor with creature speciality Elves:

    Normaly, elves have a battlespeed of 6, which means a basicspeed of 1700. You would be able to travel 17 steps on grass though. However, Ivor raises the speed up to 7, which means a basicspeed of 1760. Ivor could travel 17 steps on grass and one more step on the cobbelstone.

    Something special is Sir Mullich. He gives +2 speed to the battlespeed of all creatures, which is put in practice exactly like this.

    Something special as well are the logistic specialists (Gunnar, Dessa, Kyrre):

    Here u can see how it works exactly, the unprecise circumlocution in the game, on the means of an example:

    Kyrre Level 20 with titans and expert logisics has visited the stables and wears the gloves.

    Kyrre level 20 speciality:
    20*5% = 100%
    100% of 30% expert logistics = 30%
    30% logistics + 30% speciality = 60%
    Speed of titan = 11 is equivalent to 2000 basicspeed
    plus the 60% makes 3200 movementpoints
    additional the 300 points for the gloves and 400 points for the stables makes 3900 movement points in summary.

    As a formula:

    Movement points = basicspeed + (basicspeed * logistic skill) + (logistic skill * hero level * 5%) + miscellaneous)


    It´s normal that u don´t want to calculate everytime like this. But there are some reference points. For the fact, the hero should always be speed optimized (means = minimum speed 11), u could say he can travel

    20 normal steps
    26 with expert logistics
    30 with expert logistics and stables

    And a specialist has DOUBLED his skill when reaching Level 20!

    A further speciality is the "Ghost hero". That´s a hero who travels without any troops. Without troops a hero has 1900 movement points. There are different ways to get a ghost hero, but up to 90% it happens when using known bugs, which i won´t explain here...that´s cheating for me.

    There are many charts and calculation humbugs related to the pathfinding skill. But it is very easy. Every skill level reduces the distraction by 25 points, but it won´t fall below 100.

    Just as easy:

    Snow -150 points distraction

    Advanced pathfinding (2*+25)

    Snow only -100 points distraction

    Personally, i rarely give pathfinding on my main, coz it influences only on 4 kinds of terrain, it is easy to prevent and it´s an ineffective skill in the endfight. (not to mention all the streets)

    Easy to prevent, coz the distraction won´t count when u only have troops of that native terrain.

    For example:

    The main hero has used all his movement points and stands on snow terrain. At the and of the turn, a scout gives him creatures with a minimum of battlespeed 11.

    At the beginning of the next turn he will have maximum movements though. To prevent the distraction of the snow terrain, the scout gives a Tower creature (e.g a gremlin) to the main hero. Now the main hero can travel without any distraction. With the help of a scoutchain, all the troops were given to the next and on the final to the main again. Summary:
    Fullspeed without any distraction but without having lost a skill to pathfinding.

    A little bit different are the movement points on water. It doesn´t matter which creatures the hero has, he will always have a basicspeed of 1500. The navigation skill does NOT raise the movement like described in percent (50, 100, 150), but is settled like this:

    Without = 1500 movement points
    Basic = 2250 movement points
    Advanced = 3000 movement points
    Expert = 3750 movement points
    (As a comparison = expert logistics = 2600)

    Sorry Xarfax, but this calculations are EXACTLY like the described ones... e.g.: 150% of 1500 = 2250, 1500 + 2250 = 3750..)

    It will get extremely fast, when the navigation specialits show up (Sylvia, Voy). On level 20, the reduplication of the skill comes again, which means the hero gets added 300% of 1500 = 4500, 6000 in summary.
    Additional there are the artefacts (necklace 1000, hat 600). Additional 500 for every lighthouse, as they work cumulative.

    So you can see, those heroes can easily get 7000 to 8000 movement points. And here comes the big hit:
    At the start of the turn, the hero flees from a battle on water and is rebought immediately from a tavern. You additional get those 400 points from the stables in the town eventualy (if it is castle) and can travel 83 (!!) steps across the adventure map, 3 circles around the enemy and back again.

    You can see, these heros are brilliant suited for surprise attacks, even if they won´t be leveled up to 20, they still have 40-50 movement points (In comparison: Level 20 Kyrre with expert logistics, stables and gloves = 39)

    The movement over land...

    ....can be imagined like this. Ater the movement points have been set by the troops on the day before, the movement point distraction depending on the terrain is made. Important to know, the steps don´t include the starting field, however, the distraction is calculated from the field the hero comes. If u walk on cobblestone and make the last step on swamp (-50) and want to travel back the same way, u start from the swamp with -175, which means you will have 3 steps less! That is important to know when u want to arrange a backchain.

    You can imagine the whole thing like a distraction-chain. If u ran over snow, then a bit over cobblestone and finaly get to the swamp, it looks similar to this:

    -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -175 -175 -175 -175 = 1700 movement points
    (14 steps)

    ...if u get only swamp creatures at the end of the cobbelstone road (native terrain = no additional distraction), the whole thing changes and it looks like u have some additional movement points:

    -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 = 1700 movement points (17 steps)

    You would get 2 additonal steps if u would only have Tower creatures at the start of your turn.

    It says, your movement gets reduced by 1 step when u collect resources, attack wandering creatures or an oponents´ hero. That´s not correct. If you collect resources or attack a hero, your movement gets reduced by the value of the field the resources/hero lays/stands on. So if u were in money problems and have different possibilities of collecting resources, you should remind that. If you want to block an opponents´ hero, sometimes it is better to place a scout on swamp than directly on the road. If the opponent attacks the scout now, he gets reduced his movement points by THREE. Wandering creatures don´t reduce movement points, no matter if the hero clicks directly on them or places him in front of them.

    Buildings which u can travel "over" (e.g. magic shrine) don´t reduce your movement, on buildings which u have to visit (e.g. dwarven treasury), you will lose 1 extra step. But there are buildings which give you some movement points:

    Stables = 400 per day during the week of visiting
    Waterhole = 400
    Fountain of Youth = 400
    Ralley flagg = 400
    Oasis = 800

    It says, those places give the travel bonus per day, correct is, you can get some new movement points after every fight. Especially on the oasis u can get many movement points, if u refill after every fight. The other 3 are to be thought of to visit, coz u surely lose some movement points to get there.

    I hope i don´t have forgotten anyhting on that topic......that´s all folks.

    Der Moralwert des Helden wird doch für jede Einheit separat dazuaddiert. Daher ist es eigentlich belanglos, welche Klasse der Held hat und welche sonstigen Einheiten er mit sich schleppt....

    Wenn ich diese ganze map Auflsitung auf der TOH Seite sehe, dann fallen mir wieder meine wenigen Fixed-Map "Abenteuer" ein, auf die ich mich einlassen musste, weil wir "tribes" spielten, und dort eben auch fixed maps gespielt werden mussten. "Heartlands" war da die meist gespielte "mirror" map. Könnte man hier anschließend auch mal probieren...mal sehen, wann hier so mancher durch die 10 Engel bricht...;)

    Die fileversion "28" bezieht sich auf Deine H3 version. Hast Du roE, kommt glaube ich als version 14, mit AB kommt 21, und mit SoD 28. Complete ist glaube ich 35.

    Man kann also keine SoD (fielversion 28) map mit dem RoE editor (current version 14) öffnen.

    Allerdings klingt Deine Fileversion (18947354805057blablabla) eher nach einer corrupten Map....

    Man kann das auch vollkommen legal machen!

    Einfach WoG installieren!

    Ist gratis, dauert nicht lange, und man kann alle WoG features wenn man möchte deaktivieren, dann spielt man vollkommen "altbackenes" H3 SoD, OHNE CD.

    Wie kommst Du darauf, dass der letzte Sultan keinen Fireshield-Schaden macht? Hast du das ausprobiert?

    Es hängt ja nicht davon ab, wieviel Lebenspunkte der Sultan noch hat.

    Selbst wenn man einen Stack von Sultans killt, gibt es immer anschließend den Feuerschaden. (Hat bestimmt jeder schon in der ein oder anderen Kampfsituation erlebt.)

    Völlig egal welche Kreatur auf meiner Seite steht...wenn sie nur 1 Lebenspunkt hat und geblinded ist, dann ist sie nach der nächsten Aktion der Fairies tot...egal ob diese zaubern oder angreifen....aber vielleicht übersehen wir hier alles etwas.....wie gesagt...bin ja mal gespannt....

    Also da bin ich ja auch mal gespannt....

    - Der Engel kann TROTZ blind normal agieren (geht eigentich nicht, so lange blind aktiv ist...)

    - Er hat nur EINEN Lebenspunkt (ist also tot sobald er angegriffen wird...)

    - Von welcher Heroes Version sprechen wir hier eigentlich???

    - KI erhält zuviele Resourcen / Gold, so dass man ab einer bestimmten Summe ins Minus gerät.

    - Multiplayer: Man klickt während des gegnerischen Zuges im eigenen Stadtbild auf eine der rechts angezeigten kleinen Stadtbilder, und der Gegner hat nicht mindestens die gleiche Anzahl Städte...