Beiträge von Eicke

    Aktuelle Antwort aus der Steamcommunity von dem (einzigen) AI-Programmierer :

    As always, thanks for your observations :)

    There have already been a number of fixes on our part in our internal repo for some critical issues the AI has, such as not scouting/exploring areas properly (in the current version they are severely hindered by this, especially in maps that have underground), mis-scoring some adventure map stuff and also getting stuck in some cases. These fixes will be part of an upcoming patch (don't know yet if it'll be sooner than later bc it needs to pass through testing). And there are more tweaks in the works. We're investigating some weird behaviour in combat (for example, the return of the old move-between-two-tiles-and-do-nothing) and will be fixing that as a priority for now. We will also be looking into some more context-based AI scoring, such as neutral armies without a hero being more attrition-oriented than win-oriented.

    Die von dir erwähnten "Features" (KI, Simturns) sind Bestandteil von Patch 2.0 und demnach für alle kostenlos erhältlich !!
    Das Add-On (kostenpflichtig) enthält NUR die Zwerge und hat entsprechend auch keine anderen Vorzüge gegenüber der normalen Spielversion 2.0
    Ob man dafür jetzt ca. 30 € ausgeben will oder wartet bis man die Zwerge für weniger Geld bekommt ist natürlich jedem selbst überlassen...

    Hast du das selbst getestet und herausgefunden, dass die KI cheatet ? Gibts dazu eine offizielle Aussage (die mir entgangen ist) ?? Oder hast du das nur aufgeschnappt und wiedergegeben ?
    Man könnte deinem Beitrag nämlich entnehmen, dass es ein Fakt ist, über den du dich so aufregst... dabei ist das so weit ich weiss überhaupt nicht belegt !!

    Wenn du den Entwicklern unterstellst, dass die KI cheatet, belege das bitte wenigstens mit einer Quelle !!

    Und Schluss mit den Steaks... !!

    Gruß Eicke

    Moin !

    Leider muss man ein paar Handgriffe durchführen, dann klappt es. Kann sein, dass man nochmal rausgehen bzw. neu starten muss :

    Im Steam-Ordner zu folgendem Ordner gehen:
    C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\Config
    (bei anderen Versionen entsprechend)

    Dort die "DefaultGame.txt" öffnen (z.B. mit Notepad). Es gibt da gegen Ende der Datei den Eintrag:

    mNumOfferAbilites = 2
    mNumOfferSkills = 3

    Setzt man "false" auf "true" kann man auch in der Kampagne zufällig skillen. Mit den anderen beiden Optionen kann man dann sogar einstellen, wie viele Abilties uns Skills jeweils angeboten werden.

    von Limbic-Heart aus der Steamcommunity :

    You know if it's the Uplay version or Steam version depending on what platform you bought the addon on..If you bought it through the Steam store, in theory, it's working.
    I believe there is a chance that if you own a vanilla Uplay version of the game, but a Steam version of the Addon it might not play. However, if that is the case, it will work tomorrow when the Uplay version is activated.

    If you're experiencing something completely different, like you only ever bought the game on Steam. I will need more info.

    Ist ja auch nur eine mögliche Fehlerquelle, scheint ja bei anderen reibungslos zu funktionieren ...

    - Hast du sowohl das ursprüngliche H7 als auch das Add-On über Steam gekauft ? Oder ursprünglich über Uplay und das Add-On über Steam ? Es muss entweder beides über Steam oder beides über UPLAY gekauft sein, sonst funktioniert es nicht ...
    - Der MOD ist vielleicht tatsächlich nicht kompatibel mit Version 2.0, aber ob das was mit der Kampagne zu tun hat ?

    Geht das mit der Ungeduld heute schon wieder los ??? Seit wann werden den Patches vormittags verteilt ????
    Jetzt wartet doch einfach mal ab, gestern kam das doch auch erst nachmittags irgendwann zwischen 15-16 Uhr :rolleyes:

    Das neue Skillsystem gilt ausschließlich bei den Zufallsskills und ist definitiv bei allen dabei.
    Und die neutralen Kreaturen gibt es nicht nur im Add-On sondern auch im Patch 2.0 (entsprechend sind sie dort auch schon mit Screenshots erwähnt)

    ... habe gerade zweimal eine kleine (75x75) Karte generiert (alle Einstellungen belassen), das Laden hat ca. ne Minute gedauert ...funktioniert perfekt
    ... probiere jetzt mal mittlere und große Karten ...
    ... also mittlere Karte (128x128) mit Untergrund dauert ungefähr 3 Minuten und funktioniert super !

    Nachtrag 20:40 Uhr :
    ... mittlere Karte (200x200) mit Untergrund klappt reibungslos ebenfalls in drei Minuten !!
    ... große Karte (300x300) mit Untergrund klappt reibungslos in vier Minuten !!

    -> immer mit nur 2 Spielern !!

    Fazit : BESTES Feature ever !! unendliche Wiederspielbarkeit :thumbup:

    Patch 2.0 changelog
    Hello Heroes,

    Today, we would like to announce the availability of Patch 2.0.

    Here are some highlights which Patch 2.0 includes;

    • New council hub
    • Replay of intro, outros, RTCs, cinematics in Extras
    • In-game RMG
    • Skillwheel 2.0
    • Numerous localization fixes
    • AI balancing and constant work on improving the stability of MP
    • Various improvements.

    As always, downloading this new update is automatic on both Uplay and Steam. Should this for whatever reason not happen, please then make use of the Verify files feature on either platform, which should then start the download.

    Full patch notes;


    Right click functions as left click in different situations throughout the game
    Adding raised creatures to army resets the army configuration in combat
    [Combat] Applying Namtaru's Dark Touch to Plague Lamasu will make Aura of Pesilence apliable to undeads and constructs, resulting in the combat being stuck when damaging the immune units with the said Aura
    Axeoth Edric (Haven) has name changed to Zambu in hero bio
    [Lost Tales 5] Player cannot recruit the Creature 'Juggernaut' from the neutral Dwelling
    [Duel][FightAgain] When choosing "fight again" in duel mode, both dueling heroes will be replaced by Hero "Ivan"
    [DuelvsAI][Ancient Behemoth] The game crashes on Ancient Behemoth's turn if the creature is controlled by an AI
    Earthquake Earth Knowledge 3 - Enemy units do not take double damage
    Diplomacy Skill - Diplomatic immunity not working
    Bloodrage - Bursting rage does not work
    Hero is able to cast unlimited amount of times if haunting plague is cast first
    [Combat] The animation becomes offset for the enemy creatures affected by the Time Control spell
    [Sylvan][Skills/Abilities] Targeting of ability 'Entangling Roots' of Champion creature Ancient Treant is incorrect
    Shadow image create an incorrect amount of clones
    Preemptive retaliation works against face of fear and behemots skill
    Grim Reaper fatal strike takes effect even on miss
    Debuff added by djinn channeller attack will trigger magic touch twice.
    [Skills & Abilities] Ability 'Soldering Hands' does not have any functionality on applying it on the constructs
    Eternal servitude - Skill is not triggered on the last strike of the combat
    Fickle magic - Skill does not protect from debuffs
    Spell Poison Cloud - No damage dealt to units immediately or to units entering
    Heal - Dead units are not resurrected
    Regeneration spell heals more than it should
    [Global][Manual Combat] Negative buffs from Djinn Channeler's 'Magic Touch' and Simurgh's 'Arcane Wings' do not reduce enemy creatures 'Attack' and 'Defense' stats
    Legionnaire shielding is not considered in the damage prediction during combat
    [Global] Incorrect information is displayed in the tooltip of spell 'Fire Bolt' after upgrading to 'Cast as Master'
    Medusa mesmerize not working
    Defensive Stance triggers even when unit used an active skill.
    Dark hydra life drain resurrects too many units
    Imperial Griffins can dive attack out of the grid.
    Attack on morale turn after using feral charge does not trigger retaliation on the silverback
    Destroyed Portals, channels, stairs or whirlpools are working in certain conditions
    It can happen that the hero unlearns all spells and skills
    [Global][Manual Combat][Fortification] Title crashes in manual combat after opening the gate in fortified wall of town/fort
    [Manual Combat] Unable to start the combat after splitting the creatures on army deploy screen in hot seat mode
    Magic guild specializations do not guarantee spells from that school
    Possible to recruit new units even though all slots are occupied
    Centaur gets unlimited attacks when attacking in melee
    [Skills/Abilities][Ranged Retaliation] The creature Abbot does not range retaliate from the 2nd round of the combat against a warfare unit
    [Skills/Abilities][Magic Immunity] Creatures with Magic Immunity can be targeted by a Sylvan hero's Mark of the Avenger ability
    Tactics phase - warfare units can be placed even though there is no more space
    Tsunami spell moves the units outside the battlefield
    Wrong magic power tooltip in hero stats
    Simurghs now apply their debuff after ending their turn even when teleported.
    Several external dwellings (not just tan player) do not match town types on Savage Seas
    Dark touch of Necropolis Warfare unit does not work
    Bad morale is rolled out twice if a creature waits
    Resuurection spell (light magic) has unlimited regeneration effect instead of 3 turns.
    Namtaru dark touch does not kill enemy units
    Units with cleave apply fire mantle on enemy unit during second strike of retaliation
    Asha's hourglass debuff remains on your hero even if you have taken the enemy city
    Casting stage remains on the enemy's hero even after taking his town
    Casting stage - Fast units able to move even though they get time slow
    Lightning burst damages all enemies if mouse is not moved after cast
    Siege combat - Towers will shoot enemies with fog shroud
    Ancient behemoths (controlled by AI) try to jump on a wrong target and loose their turn


    [Global][Governor] The governor gets reset after performing a save/load
    [Hero Window- Save/Load] Some abilities dissapear after save load when random skilling
    Save load - hero keeps spells learned by artifacts
    [Scenario][Lone Wolf] An extra governor ability is observed after performing a save/load


    Editor - Units in the army are displayed incorrectly on the map
    Simple mode editor removes heroes from armies
    [Editor] The creatures added to Hero 1's army are displayed in Hero 2's property if Hero 2 is placed on the map after changing Hero 1's properties
    Editor - Map properties are blank on the first opening
    [Editor] The Editor crashes on opening the Publish on Steam option


    Unload All button in the caravan outpost has no functionality
    [Menu] Game crashes on turning ON/OFF dynamic shadows
    [Duel] [Retaliate] Incorrect information for "Retaliate" is displayed in tooltip in duel combat
    [Heropedia] The heropedia page for the neutral creatures Kraken and Lizardman is not present
    [Crash] Game crashes in adventure map after visiting the observatory and turning the dynamic shadows off and on in a certain way
    [Deployment Phase][Global] Opening Heropedia page during deployment phase and returning to the combat map will result in the deploy button to disappear
    [GUI] The extended tool-tip for the artifact giving hero damage per level is missing
    [Combat] Tooltips are missing for walls, gates and towers of a town during combat
    [Global][Caravan Outpost] Non functional army split option is present in caravan outpost while in visiting slot
    [GUI][Random skilling] debug texts are shown in the tool tips of master abilities
    [GUI] After using 'Try to unload all' only one caravan gets unloaded instead of all available caravans
    Cannot assign hybrid warmachines
    [HUD] The two buttons that allow the user to cycle through his towns and forts, are not greyed out when the user owns only one Town
    Wilheml had wrong stats in heropedia
    [Global] User cannot navigate using mouse and keyboard arrow keys in the adventure map after accessing garrison gate
    Dungeon is able to send 3 out of 2 spies
    [HUD] Mouse wheel for Scroll is not functional on Map selection screen in Adventure mode
    [HUD] [Combat] When toggling on HP bars they show 100%


    [Global][Skills & Abilities] Game gets stuck if enemy A.I has creature Centaur Marauder and it uses the ability 'Mobile Shooter' under certain circumstances
    Enemy AI creatures will not navigate around obstacles in combat
    [WTB][Dungeon_02] Enemy AI gets stuck with the combat after attacking garrison on the upper layer of map
    [WTB][AM_Haven_Map3] The game gets stuck on AI's turn after passing the 2nd day in Haven_map 3
    [Global][Combat] Surrender/Flee option is not used by the AI heroes or neutral creatures during a combat
    [AI behaviour][Global] AI caravans appear to stack up incorrectly in front of the town
    [AdventureMap] The AI will never attempt to discover the Tear of Asha
    [AI] AI does not use the trading post


    [Multiplayer] [Out of Sync] Game goes out of sync during manual combat with enemy town
    [Multiplayer] The lobby is not visible to Uplay friends
    [Multiplayer] [Caravan] [Stuck] Game gets stuck when player tries to initiate a combat with enemy caravan
    [Multiplayer] The game gets stuck when creatures in the core dwellings are upgraded
    [Multiplayer][Caravan Outpost] Entering caravan outpost opens the outpost window for all remaining players
    [Multiplayer][Caravan Outpost] Game gets stuck on the waiting screen on attacking an enemy’s caravan outpost
    [Multiplayer] Adventure map timer remains stuck on zero if the trading screen is open when the timer runs out
    [Multiplayer][Manual Combat] Enemy garrison is considered as 'Neutral army' during manual combat


    [AM_Final_Map1] Game gets stuck on the turn of ally hero 'Muzarel' after completing the quest 'The Meeting'
    Stronghold campaign map 2 - After fighting shani the camera zooms out too far and the game replays what happened
    [Scenario][Level Design] The artifacts Boots of the Wayfarer and the Chest of Endless Gold is missing from the maps Bloodpact and Yeshtar's Promise
    [Lost Tales 1 map4] Caravan is appeared as placeholder in the Lost tales 04 map
    [Stronghold 02] Player gets defeated and map ends if the player has spent 1 month and 1 week
    Stronghold Map 4 - Game can get stuck if your hero stays on the bridge
    [Haven][Map 2] Primary quest 'Lady Redshield' remains incomplete if the first two objectives of 'The Hammer Fall' quest are completed before it
    [Savage Sea] The external dwellings of the 5th, 6th and the 7th players do not match their respective town's factions
    [La Segadora] The external dwelling of the town at position 3 does not match the faction
    Scenario map Timber wars does not end after all the 3 heroes are defeated in battle
    [Campaign][Am_Final_Map1] Unable to recruit Griffin/Imperial Griffin from the dwelling located near the Prison Tower
    [Sylvan 03] The barricade which protects the 'Altar of Elrath' does not disappear even after burning the 'Blue Lurthil Bush'
    [Lost Tales 02] Movements points become zero on triggering the scripted event on the bridge
    [LT2_01] After repairing the spirit gate, movement points of Dogwoggle will not be reduced to 0
    Savage sea - External dwelling of player 8 not matching the faction
    [LT2][Quests] 'Quests' do not get completed in Lost Tales 2
    Lost tales 3 closing cinematic missing


    The M&M Team

    Der Patch ist bei mir 6,7 BG groß, Download hat ganze 11 Minuten gedauert :thumbup: ...

    Ich fange mal an mit LOB !

    Sehr cool finde ich :

    - auch ohne Add-On bekommen wir ALLE neutralen Kreaturen (Spoiler : zusätzlich zu den bekannten noch Manticore und Phoenix)
    - Ingame Random Map Generator
    - animierte Council-Scene
    - neue Spells
    - neues Random Skill System
    - "neue" Sim-Turns (die ich aber noch nicht ausprobiert habe...

    ... bin gespannt auf die Patchnotes !

    Hier mal ein paar selbst gemachte Screens :



    InGame RMG (Button : Karte generieren)

