Nun veranstalltet auch der russische Publisher 1C einen Screenshot-Wettbewerb, an dem natürlich auch ihr teilnehmen dürft.
Wie funktionierts?
Postet eure Screens einfach hier in den Thread. Bitte direkt ins Forum einbinden, keine Verlinkungen auf Storage-Sites oder ähnliches. Der Text sollte natürlich in Englisch sein!. Alle weiteren Regeln nun hier direkt von 1C:
Kings Bounty: The Legend Screenshot Competition
1C Company and Katauri Interactive announce the Kings Bounty: The Legend ( Screenshot Competition.
Contest rules:
Take an amusing screenshot (or several screenshots) from Kings Bounty: The Legend and accompany it with a funny caption. You can see an example in the thread Competition on forum (
The best shot will be chosen by the developers from Katauri Interactive!
Another winner will be chosen by forum members poll and will receive the Forum members choice prize!
The Main prize and "Forum members choice" prize is a free download of any game from 1Cs Buy & Download section (
The competition starts on Tuesday, December 11th and will last until the 24th of December.
Both winners will be announced on 24th December! So a great Christmas present is waiting for you.
The screenshots must be in JPG, JPEG or BMP formats with a max resolution of 1600x1200.
The "Forum members choice" winner will be chosen by the poll held in the thread "Screenshot Competition poll and discussion of works".
All comments and discussions about competition and works will also be stored in this ( thread.