Beiträge von Eicke

    Moin !

    Endlich ist es soweit, das laaaaang ersehnte Update für HotA ist da und enthält folgende Verbesserungern (in englischer Sprache) :

    + Fully functional visual template editor that allows to create and edit Random Map Generator templates of the new extended HotA format.
    + New terrain for the Conflux town - Highlands. The first successfull attempt in adding the new terrain in the history of Heroes III add-ons and mods
    + New visitable objects and decorations unique to the Highlands terrain
    + Spell research. The mechanism that fixes the everpresent problem of Mage Guild: its inadequacy for providing spells, that the player actually needs.
    + Full differentiation of hero models by their class and gender both in and out of battle.
    + A feature that lets one pick the specific method of attack for certain creatures (like shooters, casters or Harpies).

    Näheres wie vollstäniges changelog usw. HIER im Forum ...

    HIER ist der Download-Link



    Ich bin ja ein Freund von Fakten und würde mich über eben solche freuen. :whistling:

    Was soll denn das für ein Update sein ? Und woher hast du die Information ?

    Ich kann nämlich auf keiner Seite (HC, Steamcommunity,, u.a ...) etwas diesbezügliches finden.
    Handelt es sich vielleicht nur um ein Update des Play-Clients oder von Steam ?

    Moin !

    Tja, das war es dann also mit MMH7...

    ... abschließend möchte ich dazu nur folgendes sagen :

    H7 gefällt mir so wie es jetzt ist eigentlich ziemlich gut. Ich spiele ausschließlich die Kampagnen und Hotseat mit einem Kumpel und dafür reicht es allemal. Mir ist natürlich klar, dass das Spiel noch viel zu viele Fehler hat und z.b. die KI nicht besonders anspruchsvoll ist, aber für meine Ansprüche reicht es locker, und ich bereue den Kauf daher überhaupt nicht. Natürlich hätte ich mir gewünscht, dass alle Fehler beseitigt werden, die KI mich herausfordert und es vielleicht ein zweites Add-On gibt usw., aber in dieser Hinsicht bleibt UBI schon seit H5 hinter meinen Wünschen zurück. Der Verlauf ist daher für mich nicht wirklich überraschend.

    Hat wieder Spaß gemacht die letzten 2 Jahre, jetzt werde ich weiter H7 daddeln und bin gespannt, ob es ein H8 geben wird ...




    Was ich mit dem Ganzen sagen möchte, ist ganz einfach: Benehmt euch anständig und respektiert die anderen, auch und gerade wenn sie anderer Meinung sind! Persönliche Angriffe, mögen sie auch noch so verklausuliert sein, zeugen nicht von Respekt und führen nur zu weiteren Angriffen. "Einfach mal die Fresse halten" ist doch oftmals auch ein guter Rat, oder?

    Die Regeln gelten für das Verhalten allen Benutzern gegenüber, egal ob die hier eine "Funktion" haben oder nicht.
    Also keine Schimpfwörter und auch kein "Anschreien" bzw. "Nachdruck verleihen" (wie du es nennst)... ansonsten schreib doch zum Spiel, was du willst.


    ALSO... warum zum Henker willst DU mir hier "den Mund" verbieten, nur weil ich mir den aktuellen Zustand nicht persönlich
    reingefahren habe sondern auf die Meldungen der Community vertraue, DAS es WIEDER einmal zu Problemen kommt, egal
    ob alle oder nur manche davon betroffen sind.

    Wo habe ich dir denn bitteschön den Mund verboten ? ?(
    Du hast deine Meinung kundgetan und ich habe meine Meinung kundgetan. So funktioniert das in einem Forum.
    Allerdings gibt es auch in diesem Forum gewisse Verhaltensregeln, auf die ich dich aus gegebenem Anlass (siehe gelb markierte Stelle im Zitat) einmal hinweisen möchte...

    Gruß Eicke

    Berechtigtes Meckern ist immer gut, damit die Entwickler nicht denken, dass sie sich zur Ruhe setzen können.

    Allerdings kommt Kritik besser an, wenn sie fundiert und konstruktiv ist und nicht unreflektiert wiedergegeben wird.
    Damit will ich nicht sagen, dass die von dir genannten Fehler nicht existieren, aber dir selbst sind ja nicht passiert bzw. aufgefallen, da du den Patch ja noch gar nicht besitzt, oder ?
    Mir selbst ist nämlich noch keiner (!!) der o.g Bugs über den Weg gelaufen. Vielleicht spiele ich auch nicht so viel wie andere hier. Aber wenn man den ersten Beitrag so liest, könnte man schnell denken, dass das Spiel HÄUFIG / IMMER nicht startet oder dass IMMER ALLE Artefakte verschwinden. Und das stimmt einfach nicht. Auch so eine Aussage wie

    - Zauber sind Buggy (Kampf&Weltzauber)

    sind doch ziemlich pauschalisiert . Welche Zauber denn genau ? Und was funktioniert nicht...
    Nur bei genauer Fehlerbeschreibung mit Screenshots / Savegames, kann man das auch nachvollziehen. EInfach zu behaupten die Zauber sind buggy, bringt doch nichts...

    Gruß Eicke

    Wieso ?
    Zu deinem Lieblingsthema steht doch eine Menge :

    [Fixed] RMG issue that caused some armies in the underground to be directly inaccessible, which caused bugged AI behavior.

    [Fixed] Invalid logic with AI exploration, causing some adventure map sites to never be uncovered by the AI.
    [Fixed] Town development for Fortress towns for A
    I (now goes beyond level 2).

    [Improved] AI will be more focused on its objectives (when conquering sites and picking up stuff that's guarded).
    [Improved] AI will be more inclined to use buff sites.
    [Improved] AI that is in an obvious loss situation will try to inflict more attrition damage by killing as much of the player's creatures as it can instead of playing for a "win".
    [Improved] Adjusted AI behavior with Mobile Shooter to be more cautious instead of suicidal.
    [Improved] performance for AI calculations and active unit change.
    [Improved]AI will try to avoid hostile per-tile spells in combat

    Patch 2.2 ist da :

    Hello Heroes,

    Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of Might & Magic Heroes VII patch 2.2!

    Along with implementing new Steam achievements, this updated includes a bunch of new fixes and improvements for the game and its addon. The main focus of this patch is set on the multiplayer, the level design but also the combat.

    We also included new balancing changes with a revamp of stats for the Champion creatures. See more below.

    As always, downloading this new update is automatic on both Uplay and Steam. Should this for whatever reason not happen, please then make use of the Verify files feature on either platform, which should then start the download.

    The M&M Team


    NEW health attack defense Min damage Max damage move range initiative luck morale
    Colossus 500 25 30 69 92 4 16 5 0
    Landsknecht 390 35 20 90 110 5 15 0 20
    Bone Dragon 400 25 40 70 85 5 19 5 0
    Cyclops 450 22 32 75 90 4 14 10 0
    Green Dragon 500 25 25 75 77 5 11 10 0
    Shadow Dragon 400 25 20 70 80 5 29 0 0
    Red Dragon 400 35 20 60 70 5 20 10 0
    Titan 500 25 30 69 92 4 17 5 0
    Swordmaster 450 40 22 110 130 5 19 0 20
    Spectral Dragon 450 25 45 80 100 6 22 5 0
    Enraged Cyclops 500 24 38 85 100 4 15 10 0
    Emerald Dragon 600 30 25 75 77 5 12 15 0
    Black Dragon 450 25 22 80 95 6 30 0 0
    Ardent Dragon 450 40 20 70 85 6 23 10 0
    Arcane Eagle 400 25 25 75 80 7 36 5 0
    Seraph 500 25 35 60 70 6 21 0 10
    Grim Rider 300 45 20 85 95 7 18 10 0
    Behemoth 420 32 25 70 85 5 22 0 0
    Treant 400 22 35 50 70 3 12 0 5
    Cave Hydra 500 30 22 64 85 5 25 0 0
    Fire Giant 535 20 38 65 80 5 14 0 5
    Simurgh 440 31 30 80 100 8 39 5 0
    Celestial 600 25 40 70 75 7 23 0 20
    Grim Reaper 350 50 20 100 110 7 19 25 0
    Ancient Behemoth 450 35 25 80 100 6 23 0 0
    Ancient Treant 460 24 42 68 90 3 15 0 5
    Dark Hydra 530 35 22 70 90 5 25 0 0
    Einherjar 535 25 38 75 90 5 16 0 5
    Shantiri Titan 510 25 25 75 90 5 22 10 0
    Gold Dragon 450 25 25 63 78 8 33 11 11
    Kraken 650 30 30 70 90 5 15 10 10
    Phoenix 400 30 30 70 80 10 34 0 0

    OLD health attack defense Min damage Max damage move range initiative luck morale
    Colossus 420 20 25 69 92 4 16 5 0
    Landsknecht 390 25 23 60 69 5 15 0 20
    Bone Dragon 430 20 22 60 85 5 19 5 0
    Cyclops 410 20 18 70 79 4 14 10 0
    Green Dragon 500 18 26 75 77 4 11 0 0
    Shadow Dragon 400 20 20 42 53 5 28 0 0
    Red Dragon 395 23 17 53 61 5 20 5 0
    Titan 420 20 25 69 92 4 17 5 0
    Swordmaster 450 28 26 69 81 5 19 0 20
    Spectral Dragon 490 22 25 70 95 5 22 5 0
    Enraged Cyclops 460 28 18 70 85 4 15 10 0
    Emerald Dragon 500 18 26 75 77 5 12 0 0
    Black Dragon 420 22 22 46 61 6 29 0 0
    Ardent Dragon 410 29 18 57 65 6 23 5 0
    Arcane Eagle 400 19 19 44 66 7 36 5 0
    Seraph 450 20 24 55 55 6 21 0 10
    Grim Rider 410 24 20 53 77 6 26 0 0
    Behemoth 420 25 18 60 77 5 22 0 0
    Treant 430 18 25 35 44 3 12 0 5
    Cave Hydra 400 21 21 58 73 5 25 0 0
    Fire Giant 460 19 22 65 78 5 14 0 5
    Simurgh 440 22 22 55 77 8 39 5 0
    Celestial 480 20 28 68 68 7 23 0 20
    Grim Reaper 460 29 23 72 99 6 29 0 0
    Ancient Behemoth 470 27 20 60 77 6 23 0 0
    Ancient Treant 460 20 31 45 59 3 15 0 5
    Dark Hydra 450 21 21 58 79 5 25 0 0
    Einherjar 475 21 26 65 78 5 16 0 5
    Shantiri Titan 510 25 25 46 63 5 22 10 0
    Gold Dragon 444 22 22 33 55 7 33 11 11
    Kraken 345 24 18 45 56 4 15 0 0
    Phoenix 230 30 27 52 54 10 34 0 0

    [Fixed] Quick load would get stuck in rare cases.
    [Fixed] Council Hub towns have light shaft particle when selected.
    [Fixed] RMG issue that caused some armies in the underground to be directly inaccessible, which caused bugged AI behavior.
    [Fixed] Heroes portraits shuffled on loading a save game.
    [Fixed] Wrong cursor icon on Abandoned Mine/Prison with random army.
    [Fixed] Weekly based resource AM buildings would lose ability in rare cases after loading a save game.
    [Fixed] Invalid logic with AI exploration, causing some adventure map sites to never be uncovered by the AI.
    [Fixed] Town development for Fortress towns for AI (now goes beyond level 2).
    [Fixed] Combat map lighting on transition from adventure into combat.
    [Fixed] Not destroying allied players caravan outpost on visit.
    [Fixed] Some maps in the Duels section not having a Thumbnail, or localization.
    [Fixed] Renewal to only give mana on the hero's own combats.
    [Fixed] Creatures not inheriting the morale/luck bonus that was defined in their base stats.
    [Changed] Neutral stacks in starting zone of RMG to be always different from the starting faction of the owner of the zone.
    [Improved] Rewards for Dragon Utopia, Shantiri Ruins and Dangerous Cave.
    [Improved] Money income from Town Hall in the intermediate tiers. Now Town Hall and City Hall provide 500 more gold each.
    [Improved] Performance when Hero is moving on big adventure maps.
    [Improved] Increased Morale cap to 75 instead of 50 globally.
    [Improved] AI will be more focused on its objectives (when conquering sites and picking up stuff that's guarded).
    [Improved] AI will be more inclined to use buff sites.
    [Improved] General overhaul of all the champion creatures’ stats for Skirmish and Duels.
    [Improved] Reduced price of Resources in the Marketplace in general.
    [Improved] Reduced cost of Elite and Champion Dwellings so they are affordable.
    [Improved] Reduced diplomacy costs by half globally.

    [Fixed] Shantiri Titan Regeneration ability.
    [Fixed] Building Caravan Outpost during combat with hotkey.
    [Fixed] Treant Entangling Roots ability not disabling movement.
    [Fixed] Summoned obstacles (i.e. Fire Sentry and Freezing Orb) not being attacked when issuing a move + attack command
    [Fixed] Warfare units with Artillery Barrage dying getting the game stuck
    [Fixed] Chain Lightning to properly divide damage amongst targets
    [Fixed] "Ingineer" specialty, replacement warfare units don't get stuck in combat anymore
    [Fixed] Capture of own-able adventure sites (only need to interact once now)
    [Fixed] Artifact transfer on losing combat in some cases
    [Fixed] Leading by Example not applying in some cases
    [Fixed] Surrender to correctly preserve the troops you paid for.
    [Fixed] Ancient Behemoth Retaliation Prediction.
    [Fixed] Aura of Purity vs. Magic Touch.
    [Fixed] Valkyrie Fire Shield.
    [Fixed] Nature's Revenge for Blade Master's Whirling Death ability (marks are getting applied to all targets, not just one).
    [Fixed] Deadly Strike (stopped critical hits from happening before).
    [Fixed] Centaur Marauder's Maneuver.
    [Fixed] Fire Elemental's Nova.
    [Fixed] Assassin's Poisoned Blades.
    [Fixed] Firebird's Rebirth.
    [Fixed] Summoned shooting obstacles (Fire Sentry, Freezing Orb,) targeting for Leaf Daggers and other active abilities.
    [Fixed] Preview of percentage-based spells, such as Implosion.
    [Fixed] A big rock obstacle with wrong collision. Now it will properly cover what it should.
    [Fixed] Surrender/Flee button being functional in Duel.
    [Fixed] XP preview when the defender wins a combat.
    [Improved] AI that is in an obvious loss situation will try to inflict
    more attrition damage by killing as much of the player's creatures as it
    can instead of playing for a "win".
    [Improved] Adjusted AI behavior with Mobile Shooter to be more cautious instead of suicidal.
    [Improved] performance for AI calculations and active unit change.
    [Improved]AI will try to avoid hostile per-tile spells in combat more.
    [Improved] Made Good/Bad Morale triggering more visible.
    Changed the Nova ability of Disciple to be cast-able only once per combat.

    Level Design
    [Fixed] A problem in Map 2 that caused a Secondary quest to spawn an enemy that prevented the peaceful solution of it.
    [Fixed] A problem in map 2, where the quest to give 10% of your army only worked under certain circumstances.
    [Fixed] A problem in Myrim's Scenario map where some artifacts were providing 2 items instead of 1.
    [Fixed] A problem in Myrim's Scenario map where a dwelling in the initial area wasn't part of the AOC of the town.
    [Fixed] An issue in Myrim's Scenario map where narration text boxes
    could appear during the AI turn. [Fixed] An issue in Myrim's Scenario
    map where the enemy players didn't show the correct name.
    [Fixed] An issue in Dungeon map 4 where several combat dialogues weren't triggering.
    [Fixed] An issue in Ivan map 2 (Vanilla) where a dialogue wasn't triggering.
    [Fixed] An issue in Thunder in the Tundra, where one landscape component was causing issues when opening the map.
    [Fixed] The fact that the player could hire Bart Brimstone from the Hall of Heroes in the Tear of the Old One map.
    [Fixed] Several issues in Alternate History related to factions of
    Dwellings not being the same as the Player's initial faction. Also fixed
    the fact that Player 1 had 3 Elite Dwellings instead of 1 Core and 2
    [Fixed] an issue in Sylvan map 4 where one dialogue was
    attributed to Wysloth when it was Danan speaking.
    [Fixed] An issue in Map 6 of Fortress campaign where Uplay rewards weren't working.
    [Fixed] Two neutral creature stacks in the teleporter path of fracture
    Time to have the correct XP values. [Fixed] A blocker in Lost tales 1 -
    Map 5 that prevented heroes from interacting with one of the main quest
    [Fixed] Two fire camps in Final Map 1 (Vanilla) that were providing 0 resources.
    [Fixed] A visual problem in Dungeon 2 where some towers from the wall
    weren't properly illuminated. [Fixed] A problem in Fortress Map 3, where
    a defeated hero could still capture a lost town.
    [Fixed] An issue in the first fortress maps with the lights of the manipulators of the catapults.

    Changed Hathor's specialization to be Pugnacious instead of Engineer.

    [Fixed] Last human player remaining in a multiplayer game with AI player automatically won every combat.
    [Fixed] Player getting stuck in the game after the game was finished.
    [Fixed] Players were able to do actions in town screen during the AI turn under certain circumstances.
    [Fixed] Local Guards not giving EXP and not triggering Necromancy.
    [Fixed] Learned spells by Arcane Intuition disappearing after combat.
    [Fixed] The possibility of the game getting stuck when timer runs out and player doing a quick combat at the end of the turn.
    [Fixed] Not being able to attack AI heroes because they are wrongly considered of being In Combat already.
    [Fixed] Being able to view AI hero inventory if having all heroes dismissed after AI turn.
    [Fixed] Skirmish objectives still being triggered for spectating players.
    [Fixed] Popup, "wait for answer" not disappearing when attacking another player during retreating.
    [Fixed] Several issues in first turn after loading a save game for Sim-turns.
    [Fixed] Game getting stuck when winning vs AI hero during AI turn.
    [Fixed] Loading a save game with less players then when saving now
    turns the missing players towns into neutral and removes his leftover
    [Fixed] Game getting stuck when all players but host leave the game and host ends the turn
    [Fixed] Loading a save game clients would have UI errors (not showing resources or showing wrong hero portraits)
    [Improved] Multiple minor fixes that makes the Multiplayer more stable and robust to not go out of synch.

    [Fixed] Black Market giving gold to all players in multiplayer when selling items.
    [Fixed] Tracing in town screens to return the building under cursor more accurately.
    [Fixed] Forts and other neutral sites sometimes spawning 2 garrison armies.
    [Fixed] Dragon Fang Necklace now correctly counting as a set artifact.
    [Improved] Adventure map performance when moving around with a hero on larger maps.

    [Fixed] A case where Creatures would disappear/re-appear from the Deployment Bar.
    [Fixed] Inaccurate saving of deployment.
    [Fixed] An issue that was cause a click on a different position than the mouse, when game was unfocused.
    [Fixed] Combat-log not restoring correctly after save/load screen was opened.
    [Fixed] Incorrect message while spamming Quick-Save.
    [Fixed] Initiative Bar no longer appears wrongly when closing Heropedia
    [Fixed] Preview of XP gained through combats to take XP bonus into account properly
    [Fixed] Fortress village hall building not showing up
    [Fixed] Items giving gold income to show the added income properly in the resource bar
    [Fixed] Completing an Addon-Campaign no longer displays a progress towards the Main-Campaign.
    [Fixed] Option, "Show HP bars" is correctly saved when changing it in the main menu.

    [Fixed] Weekly based resource AM buildings would lose ability in rare cases after loading a save game.
    [Fixed] Spells learned from helmet items would be learned permanently after loading a save game.
    [Fixed] Heroes would lose spells/abilities/skills after performing save/load operation in very rare cases.
    [Fixed] Neutral flag would appear above captured Forts after loading a save game.

    [Fixed] Missing surface and underground zones when using Mixed Terrain.
    [Fixed] The lighting of underground zones being too dark.
    [Improved] Changed Neutral stacks in starting zone of RMG to be always
    different from the starting faction of the owner of the zone.
    [Improved] Changed value of Rough Terrain Movement Cost from 1.66 to 1.0 for all RMG zones. Applied only for In-Game RMG.
    [Improved] Added 5 Addon buildings to the RMG: Runic Forge, Rune stone, Pirate Cove, Abandoned Mine and Dwarven treasury.

    [Fixed] That Editor becomes unresponsive when deleting the underground surface of any randomly generated huge scenario map.

    Added 8 Steam achievements for the campaign maps of the addon.