International Create a Town Contest der Heroes Community

  • Zitat

    Normally, "area attack" means that equal damage is dealt to all creatures in an area, but "splash damage" means that full damage is dealt to one creature and less damage is dealt to surrounding ones.

    Sounds conclusive.

    Cannon Tower
    Provides the Tower with an area attack.
    (Es sei denn, ihr wollt, dass der Turm wirklich "splash damage" macht).


    Reflecting armour: Depending upon the size of the stack and the spellpower (Ist "spellpower" was du gemeint hast?)

    Zauberkraft = Spellpower, also ja, das hat er gemeint.

    Reinigt euch von allen Zweifeln, wie wir die Welt von den Dämonen reinigen - Alaric, Erzbischof der reformierten Kirche des Greifenimperiums

    Reinigt euch auch von allen Zweifeln bezüglich meiner Rechtschreibung!

  • @ kitty: Das sind schon mal wirklich gute Bilder von Zauberern :daumen: . SchlieÃlich sollten auch nicht alle drei Upgradestufen bei den Magiern gleich aussehen.
    Ich hab selbst noch nach ein paar Bildern gesucht. Allerdings sind die um einiges kleiner und passen auch nicht unbedingt besser (was die Ãbereinstimmung mit meiner Vorstellung betrifft).

    @ Gnoll Mage:


    telescope guards ("telescope guards" ergibt mir keinen Sinn...)

    Den Begriff Teleskopwächter gibts im Deutschen auch nicht. :) Es wundert mich also nicht, dass er im Englischen nicht vorkommt. Ich stelle mir darunter einfach groÃe mechanische Wächter vor, die von den Magiern an hochgelegene Punkte geschickt werden, damit sie von dort aus die fernen Grenzgebiete beobachten. Aber da kann jeder seine eigene Phantasie einsetzten...

    Um den Bewertungspunkt "Battle Facetts" etwas auszubauen, habe ich mir jetzt ein paar Vorschläge für Kurzbeschreibungen der Statistiken überlegt. Man könnte die dann direkt unter der jeweiligen Kreaturenbeschreibung einfügen.

    Gremlin Mechanic:
    statistics: moderate defense and attack, high initiative

    Gremlin Engineers:
    statistics: this upgrade improves speed and Hit Points, quite low combat statistics for a level 2 unit

    Gremlin Mage:
    statistics: pathetic attack and defense ratings, but compensated by the powerfull Eagle-Eye ability

    Gremlin Artillery:
    statistics: excellent for use in sieges, very durable with a strong defense, low speed and initiative

    Lightning Canon:
    statistics: more effective against creatures than its downgraded counterpart, small Hit Point increase

    Mechanical Spider:
    statistics: very quick unit, bad attack and defense ratings, but very numerous

    Mechanical Battlerunner:
    statistics: growth is drastically reduced, extremely high speed, moderate attack and defense

    Mechanical Mantis:
    statistics: balanced level 4 unit with outstanding initiative

    Mechanical Avian:
    statistics: below-average level 3 creature, good speed, but poor damage

    Mirror Roc:
    statistics: acceptable speed and initiative, though the defense has dropped, high damage of the ranged attack

    Master of Time:
    statistics: solid upgrade, almost no reduction of growth

    statistics: effective on the offensive front, low defense

    statistics: greatly increased Hit Points, attack and defense values, but the "Strike and Return" special is lost

    statistics: decent attack and defense, high speed due to the transformation ability

    statistics: very slow and quite vulnerable, but devastating damage spells

    statistics: poor Hit Points for a level 6 unit, defense and mana is increased

    Iron Golem:
    statistics: good defense and attack, low speed

    Mercury Golem:
    statistics: small improvement in speed, usefull new abilities

    Replicated Wizard:
    statistics: the main addition is the Spellcast ability, strong defense

    statistics: powerfull attack, huge Hit Points and damage increases, but still quite slow

    EDIT: Ich füge noch eine kurze Beschreibung der allgemeinen Orientierung der Stadt ein; wenn ihr mit irgendeiner Formulierung nicht einverstanden seid, kann ich sie ohne Probleme ändern

    Orientation: The Clockwork creatures are particularly suited to a long range, having up to three different ranged attackers on the battlefield (Steam Engines, Avians and Mages). Their low defense ratings are compensated by the robustness of the Golems and the Invisibility Spell of the Archmage that are perfect to potect these units. Normally itâs too expensive to build both level 6 and both level 5 creatures (when the town is totally upgraded), so it depends on the selection which strategies are possible. However the main weekness of the Clockwork is a lack of fast and durable creatures, needed for offensive tactics.

    Die kausale Unabhängigkeit der Quarks von unserer Rede ist kein Merkmal der Realität (im Sinne des Gegenteils der Welt des Scheins), sondern sie ist einfach ein unbezweifelter Bestandteil unseres Redens über Quarks.
    Richard Rorty

    8 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Der Mentat ()

  • Through their contact with the time machine on CRON, the Clockwork attained some knowledge about the manipulation of time. Even if a complete understanding is missing, there is enough for the creation of a very powerful unit: The Master of Time.

    Time Jump: The Master of Time can turn back time, restoring the combat situation that existed a few turns before. Firstly, this makes it possible to correct errors; secondly, chance events such as luck or the destruction of illusions are newly specified (ABER: ich habe deine Ãbersetzung nicht ganz schön verstanden)

    The remote position of the Clockwork cities in the mountains soon made it necessary for the Gremlins to develop flying means of transport. The mages on the other hand worked on teleportation and transformation spells. (Ich bin abermals unsicher...)

    The Gyrocopter is a small, manned flying machine equipped with light bombs. Since the Gyrocopter remains in air whilst bombing, it does not need to fear retaliation.

    Strike And Return: The Gyrocopter remains in the air during attack, and immediately returns to where it was beforehand

    In contrast to the Gyrocopter, the Airship is substantially more heavily armed. In addition, during sieges its abilities often prove useful for transporting friendly units behind hostile walls.
    Permanent airworthiness (Sehr schwerfällig, ich schlage "Permanent Flier" vor) : So long as the airship does not carry out an attack, it can float in the air, where it can only be damaged by ranged attacks (Und Zauber / and spells...?)

    Bomb Release: Similar to the Battle Dive of the Imperial Griffin; the only method of attack; after bombing the airship must land to refuel
    Transport: The airship can pick up creatures to transport; if the airship is destroyed mid-transport, the transported units are also lost
    High-altitude Flier: The airship takes triple damage from lightning attacks

    The mages and technicians of the Clockwork have a common thirst for knowledge and theoretical insights. They often sit for days on end in archives, looking for old formulae and wisdom.

    The strength of a Wizard lies in enchantments and transformations. This does not however only refer to other objects: every Wizard is able to transform himself into a black raven.
    Elemental Magic: The Wizard can cast destructive elemental spells: Fireball, Frost Impact, Storm (???)
    Transformation: To move faster the Wizard can transform into a raven (in a similar fashion to that of the H3 vampire), meaning he is considerably faster than his upgrades, "Mage" and "Arch Mage".

  • Zitat

    The mages on the other hand worked on teleportation and transformation spells. (Ich bin abermals unsicher...)

    Gemeint ist jedefalls, dass sie Teleportationen und Verwandlungszauber zur Fortbewegung verwendeten (nicht entwickelten). Stimmt dann "worked on"?


    So long as the airship does not carry out an attack, it can float in the air, where it can only be damaged by ranged attacks (Und Zauber / and spells...?)

    Danke für den Hinweis. Das gehört natürlich noch eingefügt.


    The Wizard can cast destructive elemental spells: Fireball, Frost Impact, Storm (???)

    Die Zauber gibt es zwar in Heroes 5 noch nicht, aber dieses Konzept ist ja davon relativ unabhängig. Storm könnte z.B. ein Zauber mit groÃem Flächenschaden sein, Frost Impact könnte zusätzlich zum Schaden die getroffene Einheit noch verlangsamen o.ä.

    Die kausale Unabhängigkeit der Quarks von unserer Rede ist kein Merkmal der Realität (im Sinne des Gegenteils der Welt des Scheins), sondern sie ist einfach ein unbezweifelter Bestandteil unseres Redens über Quarks.
    Richard Rorty

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Der Mentat ()

  • Hi leute,
    ich platze da mal rein und gestehe, den Faden bisher nur beiläufig gestreift zu hanben. Ist ja ein tolles Projekt und ich habe so einige tolle "Erfindungen" gesehen. Mein Beitrag gilt der Stadt-Gestaltung. So eine richtige Stadt muà einen Bürgermeister haben, besser aber König+Königin, das zieht noch immer!
    Ein zusätzlicher Prinz wäre erwünscht, auch die Graue Eminenz, ein Bischof, ein Possenreisser, Kerkermeister, Tugendwächter, Heldenausbilder usw.
    Das alles sollte man bauen/installieren können. natürlich mit noch auszudenkenden Boni, falls installiert.
    GruÃ, frifix.

  • hmm könnte nur problematisch werden, das so auf die schnelle noch mit einzubinden ;)

    greez eXeKuToR

    Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du Recht hast. Du musst sicher sein. Natürlich kann es nicht schaden, Recht zu haben. (Terry Pratchett)

    Früher litten wir an Verbrechen, heute an Gesetzen.
    (Tacitus, 55 v. Chr.)

  • The remote position of the Clockwork cities in the mountains soon made it necessary for the Gremlins to develop flying means of transport. The mages on the other hand used teleportation and transformation spells as a means of transport.

  • Although the Elemental Magic of (Through???) the Wizardry Circle is generally looked on with contempt, since it is considered relatively undemanding, these abilities nevertheless often provide good services by helping with the defence of the interests of the Clockwork
    Elemental Magic
    Magic shield: Mage and Archmage cannot retaliate if they are attacked. But they possess a magic shield, with which they can block in each round 80% of the damage from the first physical attack by another creature (instead of the retaliation strike); as compensation they have very few hitpoints compared to other level 5/6 creatures
    Cleansing: Dispels magical effects

  • @Gnoll Mage:


    Although the Elemental Magic of (Through???) the Wizardry Circle is generally looked on with contempt, since it is considered relatively undemanding, these abilities nevertheless often provide good services by helping with the defence of the interests of the Clockwork

    Gemeint war eigentlich, dass der Magierzirkel die Elementarmagie nicht besonders hoch einschätzt ( - das hängt mit einer Bemerkung in der Hintergrundgeschichte von Tobius zusammen - ), aber sie wegen ihrer Nützlichkeit trotzdem noch einsetzt. Vielleicht: Althoug the Wizardry Circle generally lookes on the Elemental Magic with contempt, since it is considered relatively undemanding, these abilities nevertheless often provide good services by helping with the defence of the interests of the Clockwork ??

    Das wird wirklich ziemlich knapp, weil wir nur noch bis Montag Zeit haben.
    Wenn du noch einen Held entwerfen willst, sollte er natürlich zur Hintergrundgeschichte passen (der Link zum Wettbewerbsbeitrag befindet sich auf der zweiten Seite dieses Threads). Möglich wäre z.B. Xanthor, der als oberster Magier praktisch den höchsten Einfluss hat. AuÃerdem handelt es sich bei der Stadt eher um eine Art Republik. (ein Prinz passt also nicht so ganz).
    Eigentlich beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich Tobius mit dem Heldenbereich und ich weis nicht wie weit er da schon etwas entworfen hat. Tobius schreibt allerdings nur noch recht sparsam. Ich komme mir schon fast vor wie der Verwalter dieses Threads :D

    Die kausale Unabhängigkeit der Quarks von unserer Rede ist kein Merkmal der Realität (im Sinne des Gegenteils der Welt des Scheins), sondern sie ist einfach ein unbezweifelter Bestandteil unseres Redens über Quarks.
    Richard Rorty

  • Hallo,
    so dann melde ich mich mal wieder! ;)

    Also, der Hintergrund steht jetzt komplett in seiner Vollendung - nur noch gegengelesen werden müsste er noch einmal. Hier der Link:

    ICTC III: The Clockwork

    Ich habe die Sektion "Description" noch einmal ausgebaut und auch eine Beschreibung der "Race Relations" eingefügt, damit sich der unbedarfte Leser einen Ãberblick darüber verschaffen kann, wie die Welt nach der "Odyssey in Time" ausschaut. AuÃerdem habe ich das Layout noch einmal überarbeitet, sodass jetzt alles über PNGs läuft, da ansonsten das Zeichenlimit in nächste Nähe rückte (das hat eine Ewigkeit gedauert). Ich hoffe euch gefällt's! :)

    Ansonsten werde ich versuchen heute die Helden in ansprechende Form zu gieÃen und auch die Kreaturen zur Hälfte zu schaffen, damit ich am Montag nur noch die Städt einbinden muss. Ich danke euch bis hierher schon einmal für eure rege Mitarbeit! Allerdings wäre es vielleicht hilfreich, wenn ihr die korrigierten Texte in einer Textdatei einem Beitrag anhängen könntet, da ich bei den unzähligen Beiträgen ehrlich nicht mehr durchsehe. :shy:


  • Zitat

    Original von Tobius
    Also, der Hintergrund steht jetzt komplett in seiner Vollendung - nur noch gegengelesen werden müsste er noch einmal. Hier der Link:

    ICTC III: The Clockwork

    Ich möchte mal drauf hinweisen, dass da zwei Bilder (die beim Steckbrief der Fraktion) nicht mehr richtig auf PhotoBucket verlinkt sind, die wurden wohl von der Seite gelöscht. Nur als Hinweis, ist ja unschön, wenn da am Ende, wenn es bewertet wird, zweimal das PhotoBucketlogo prangert.

  • Hey Kazragen, danke für den Hinweis!

    Mein Browser muss die alten Bilder wohl noch im Cache haben, sodass mit das gar nicht aufgefallen wäre. Wie gefällt dir denn das neue Layout, wenn ich fragen darf?

  • Zitat

    Original von TobiusWie gefällt dir denn das neue Layout, wenn ich fragen darf?

    Das Layout gefällt mir sehr gut, inhaltlich auch, auch wenn ich da noch nicht die Gelegenheit hatte, wirklich bei allem dahinter zu steigen, ich bin momentan zu beschäftigt mit dem Ãbersetzen meiner eigenen Ideen. Aber ich denke, dass ihr wirklich gute Chancen habt. Die vielen Bilder sind gut, und auch passend gewählt.

  • Although the Wizardry Circle generally looks on Elemental Magic with contempt, since it is considered relatively undemanding, the ability to use it nevertheless often provides good services by helping with the defence of the interests of the Clockwork

  • The great experience of the Archmage permits him to cast unusually powerful spells. For example, the invisibility spell can protect friendly units very effectively

    Invisibility Spell: The Archmage can make a creature invisible for a few rounds; the unit concerned is only invisible if no enemy is nearby, and it cannot be the target of ranged attacks; if the invisible creature peforms a ranged attack, it becomes briefly visible

  • Wow, der Teil ist auch wieder ziemlich umfangreich geworden. Besonders die Idee, die Beziehungen zu den verschiedenen Völkern über Tagebucheinträge von Xanthor darzustellen, gefällt mir ziemlich gut und passt zum Kontext. Auch die Bilder und die Beschreibung der tückischen Troglodytenfraktion , die wir bisher noch nicht besonders genau ausgearbeitet hatten, finde ich wirklich ausgezeichnet. :]


    Allerdings wäre es vielleicht hilfreich, wenn ihr die korrigierten Texte in einer Textdatei einem Beitrag anhängen könntet, da ich bei den unzähligen Beiträgen ehrlich nicht mehr durchsehe.

    Hier ist nochmal die Zusammenfassung der Kreaturenbeschreibung. Die Korrekturen von Gnoll Mage sind bis auf den Bereich der Golems und evtl der statistics-Kommentare alle eingefügt. Sobald Gnoll Mage auch die Golems korrekturgelesen hat, werde ich die Verbesserungen in diesem Beitrag einfügen, zusammen mit einer kurzen EDIT-Anmerkung, dass dieser Teil jetzt fertig ist.
    EDIT: Hiermit sind die Korrekturen eingefügt
    Die Ãbersetzung zu den Enhancement-Beschreibungen kannst du direkt aus meinem Beitrag auf Seite 6 (relativ weit unten) kopieren. Der ist nämlich jetzt schon vollständig korrigiert.

    1. Gremlins:

    Once they were disregarded slaves, but the reputation of the Gremlins rose with the growing importance of technology. They are responsible for the technical constructions of the Clockwork but their impressive ability of observation allows them to quickly learn new spells, through which some of them became powerful mages.

    Gremlin Mechanic:
    Gremlin Mechanics enjoy tinkering and fashioning small but dangerous mines out of even the most primitive of things.
    Place Mines (activated ability): The Gremlin Mechanic can place mines, which are able to do critical damage to enemy creatures.
    statistics: moderate defense and attack, high initiative

    Gremlin Engineer:
    Although engineers are ineffective fighters, they are extremely important for the Clockworkâs army, because of their ability to repair damaged machines with incredible speed.
    Repair (activated ability): âHealsâ mechanical units.
    statistics: this upgrade improves speed and Hit Points, quite low combat statistics for a level 2 unit

    Gremlin Mage:
    When Gremlin Mages finish their training, they canât cast any spells. But it would be unwise to underestimate them because, due to their impressive observation abilities, they are able to copy spells from other creatures on the battlefield - so their abilities grow with every fight.
    Eagle Eye: The Gremlin mage can copy spells from creatures up to level 4.
    statistics: pathetic attack and defense ratings, but compensated by the powerfull Eagle-Eye ability

    2. Steam Engines:

    The first constructs developed by the Gremlins were the steam engines. They are quite resistant, but due to their weight can only move very slowly.

    Gremlin Artillery:
    The function of this steam engine is to fire heavy projectiles accelerated by steam pressure. The lack of precision makes it rather unsuitable for employment against creatures, but the high striking power of the projectiles means it can damage walls effectively.
    Siege weapon: The Gremlin artillery can attack walls
    statistics: excellent for use in sieges, very durable with a strong defense, low speed and initiative

    Lightning Canon:
    With the employment of the Gremlin artillery, long siege fights often led to ammunition problems. In such a situation, an experienced Gremlin Mage succeeded in reequiping a engine in such a way that it then fired energy-loaded lightning beams. The new model proved so successful that it became the prototype of a new construction series.
    Chain shot: The lightning strikes several creatures in succession, becoming weaker with each hit
    statistics: more effective against creatures than its downgraded counterpart, small Hit Point increase

    3. Mechanoids:

    In order to overcome the unwieldiness of steam engines, the Clockwork engineers worked on the development of more flexible constructs. Finally, they invented the fast and extremely mobile Mechanoids.

    Mechanical Spider:
    Mechanical Spiders arenât very solid, but few obstacles can stop them if they travel en masse.
    The spider can climb walls.
    statistics: very quick unit, bad attack and defense ratings, but very numerous

    Mechanical Battlerunner:
    The Mechanical Battlerunner is the fastest unit of the Clockwork. It is highly suitable for attacking the weakest elements of the opposing army, then disappearing as soon as the situation becomes dangerous.
    Razor claws:
    The Battlerunner does additional damage to level 1 and 2 creatures.
    statistics: growth is drastically reduced, extremely high speed, moderate attack and defense

    Mechanical Mantis:
    The mechanical Mantis is the pinnacle of the Gremlins' precision research. There are few biological beings with similar reflexes and reactions. Accordingly the Mantis has an extremely high initiative rating.

    statistics: balanced level 4 unit with outstanding initiative

    4. Mechanical Avians:

    The ascent of technology in the Clockwork also led to progress in the field of optics. Enormous planetariums and telescope guards were built. The technical designers on the other hand used the new insights for the creation of a series of large shining metal Avians.

    Mechanical Avian:
    The mechanical Avian is the basic construct of the new series. In contrast to its upgrades it was conceived for melee attack and is comparatively robust.

    statistics: below-average level 3 creature, good speed, but poor damage

    Mirror Roc:
    When trying to reproduce a Roc, engineers of the Clockwork replaced its feathers by a large quantity of shimmering, opalescent mirrors. If the Mirror Roc spreads its enormous wings, it can concentrate the sunlight into a single extremely hot ray.
    Reflecting armour:
    Depending upon the size of the stack and the spellpower of the opposing hero, there is a certain chance that spells directed against the creatures of the player are reflected, striking the troops of the opponent.
    statistics: acceptable speed and initiative, though the defense has dropped, high damage of the ranged attack

    Master of Time:
    Through their contact with the time machine on CRON, the Clockwork attained some knowledge about the manipulation of time. Even if a complete understanding is missing, there is enough for the creation of a very powerful unit: The Master of Time.
    Time Jump:
    The Master of Time can turn back time, restoring the combat situation that existed a few turns before. Firstly, this makes it possible to correct errors; secondly, chance events such as luck or the destruction of illusions are newly specified.
    statistics: solid upgrade, almost no reduction of growth

    5. Flight Machines:

    The remote position of the Clockwork cities in the mountains soon made it necessary for the Gremlins to develop flying means of transport. The mages on the other hand used teleportation and transformation spells as a means of transport.

    The Gyrocopter is a small, manned flying machine equipped with light bombs. Since the Gyrocopter remains in air whilst bombing, it does not need to fear retaliation.
    No enemy retaliation
    Strike And Return:
    The Gyrocopter remains in the air during attack, and immediately returns to where it was beforehand.
    statistics: effective on the offensive front, low defense

    In contrast to the Gyrocopter, the Airship is substantially more heavily armed. In addition, during sieges its abilities often prove useful for transporting friendly units behind hostile walls.
    Permanent Flier: So long as the airship does not carry out an attack, it can float in the air, where it can only be damaged by ranged attacks and spells
    Bomb Release: Similar to the Battle Dive of the Imperial Griffin; the only method of attack; after bombing the airship must land to refuel
    Transport: The airship can pick up creatures to transport; if the airship is destroyed mid-transport, the transported units are also lost
    High-altitude Flier: The airship takes triple damage from lightning attacks
    statistics: greatly increased Hit Points, attack and defense values, but the Strike and Return special is lost

    Die kausale Unabhängigkeit der Quarks von unserer Rede ist kein Merkmal der Realität (im Sinne des Gegenteils der Welt des Scheins), sondern sie ist einfach ein unbezweifelter Bestandteil unseres Redens über Quarks.
    Richard Rorty

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Der Mentat ()

  • 6.Mages:

    The mages and technicians of the Clockwork have a common thirst for knowledge and theoretical insights. They often sit for days on end in archives, looking for old formulae and wisdom.

    The strength of a Wizard lies in enchantments and transformations. This does not however only refer to other objects: every Wizard is able to transform himself into a black raven.
    Elemental Magic: The Wizard can cast destructive elemental spells: Fireball, Frost Impact, Storm
    Transformation: To move faster the Wizard can transform into a raven (in a similar fashion to that of the H3 vampire), meaning he is considerably faster than his upgrades, "Mage" and "Arch Mage".
    statistics: decent attack and defense, high speed due to the transformation ability

    Although the Wizardry Circle generally looks on Elemental Magic with contempt, since it is considered relatively undemanding, the ability to use it nevertheless often provides good services by helping with the defence of the interests of the Clockwork.
    Elemental Magic
    Magic shield: Mage and Archmage cannot retaliate if they are attacked. But they possess a magic shield, with which they can block in each round 80% of the damage from the first physical attack by another creature (instead of the retaliation strike); as compensation they have very few hitpoints compared to other level 5/6 creatures
    Cleansing: Dispels magical effects
    statistics: very slow and quite vulnerable, but devastating damage spells

    The great experience of the Archmage permits him to cast unusually powerful spells. For example, the invisibility spell can protect friendly units very effectively
    Elemental Magic
    Magic shield
    Invisibility Spell:
    The Archmage can make a creature invisible for a few rounds; the unit concerned is only invisible if no enemy is nearby, but otherwise it cannot be the target of ranged attacks; if the invisible creature peforms a ranged attack, it becomes briefly visible
    statistics: poor Hit Points for a level 6 unit, defense and mana is increased

    7. Golems:

    The Golems had already belonged to the core of the armed forces before the Reckoning, due to their high levels of resistance. With the development of new technologies, more flexible models were developed to be added to the old Golem versions.

    Iron Golem:
    The Iron Golem is perfect for the protection of shooters. Its magic resistance makes it quite a reliable unit.
    Magic resistance
    There is a certain chance that the Iron Golem will attract hostile attacks on nearby creatures onto itself
    statistics: good defense and attack, low speed

    Mercury Golem:
    The development of the Mercury Golem was based on the desire of some strategists of more flexible creatures. In the Mercury Golem is this perfectly realised: it can transform into any level 4 creature on the battlefield. However, the conversion phase takes up a certain amount of time.
    Magic resistance
    The Mercury Golem can slide over obstacles
    Transformation: Instead of moving or attacking the Mercury Golem can transform itself into any level 4 creature on the battlefield
    statistics: small improvement in speed, usefull new abilities

    Replicated Wizard:
    The problem of the mechanical creatures of the Clockwork being immune to many reinforcement spells led to the building of this magic-oriented advancement of a Golem. The spells of the Replicated Wizard are particularly meant for mechanical creatures and ignore the magic resistance of Golems.
    Magic resistance
    Mechanical spells:
    The Replicated Wizard is able to cast spells which support mechanical creatures by ignoring the magical resistance of the Golems. Available spells are: Enhanced reactions (the creature gets the ability "no enemy retalation"), Iron Will (immunity to curses), Reconstruction (parts of a stack of destroyed mechanical creatures reassamble themselves into Iron Golems (lasting to the end of the fight, enhancement is required))
    statistics: the main addition is the spellcasting ability, strong defense

    The Colossus constitutes the ultimate unit for melee fighting. In contrast to the Giants and Titans, which served for earlier times under the Mages, the Colossi are purely mechanical creatures, that are laboriously forged in the enormous construction halls of the Gremlins.
    The Colossus ignores obstacles and castle ditches
    statistics: powerful attack, huge Hit Point and damage increases, but still quite slow

    Orientation: The Clockwork creatures are particularly suited to long range tactics, having up to three different ranged attackers on the battlefield (Steam Engines, Avians and Mages). Their low defense ratings are compensated for by the robustness of the Golems and the Invisibility Spell of the Archmage, which are perfect to protect units. Normally it is too expensive to build both level 6 and level 5 creatures (when the town is totally upgraded) - which strategies are possible depends on the selection. However, the main weakness of the Clockwork is a lack of fast and durable creatures, which are needed for offensive tactics.

    EDIT: Die Kreaturenbeschreibung ist jetzt vollständig überarbeitet, dürfte also keine Fehler mehr enthalten

    Die kausale Unabhängigkeit der Quarks von unserer Rede ist kein Merkmal der Realität (im Sinne des Gegenteils der Welt des Scheins), sondern sie ist einfach ein unbezweifelter Bestandteil unseres Redens über Quarks.
    Richard Rorty

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Der Mentat ()

  • hab jetzt über den noch nicht kontrollierten teil nur mal kurz drüber gelesen weil ich net schlafen kann...mal ein paar vorschläge von mir^^


    The Iron Golem is ideal for the defense of ranged fighters.

    The Iron Golem is perfect for the protection of ranged fighters/shooters [bin mir da nicht ganz sicher]

    ich denke nicht, dass das falsch ist, in meinen "ohren" klingt/liest es sich nur etwas seltsam ;)


    The Mercury Golem developed from the desire of some strategists to use more flexible creatures. In the Mercury Golem this is perfectly realized:

    The development of the Mercury Golem is based on the desire of some strategists to create/use more flexible creatures.

    wie oben, klingt für mich einfach etwas komisch, ist aber meiner meinung nach nicht falsch


    The problem that the mechanical creatures of the Clockworks are immune in relation to many reinforcement spells, led to the building of this magically oriented advancement of a Golem. The spells of the Replicated Wizard are particularly meant for mechanical creatures and ignore each magic resistance of Golems.

    The problem of the immunity of the mechanical creatures towards many supporting spells led to the construction of this magical alternative of the Golem. The Mechanical Spells of the Replicated Wizard are specialized on mechanical creatures and ignore all magical resistances of the Golems.

    wie schon vorher...klingt für mich einfach etwas seltsam^^


    Mechanical spells: The Replicated Wizard can work spells, which strengthen particularly mechanical creatures ;) the magic resistance of Golems has here no effect).

    Mechanical Spells: The Replicated Wizard is able to cast spells which support mechanical creatures by ignoring the magical resistance of the Golems

    siehe oben... langsam werd ich doch müde, vll hab ich ja etwas geholfen, wenn nicht hats mir wenigstens beim müde werden geholfen :D

    greez eXeKuToR

    Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du Recht hast. Du musst sicher sein. Natürlich kann es nicht schaden, Recht zu haben. (Terry Pratchett)

    Früher litten wir an Verbrechen, heute an Gesetzen.
    (Tacitus, 55 v. Chr.)